Barefoot Bowls
Barefoot Bowls can be enjoyed at the club for just $10 per person, especially in the warmer months of the year and is most enjoyable under lights. Contact Gary Russell on 0400 835 706 to book in or for more information.

Happy Hour
The Strathmore Bowls Club is open every weekend throughout the year and every Thursday and Friday between 5.30pm – 7.30pm is Happy Hour where you can buy a schooner of your favorite beer for just $5.50 or a glass of De Bortoli House Wine for only $5.00 a glass.

Footy Season
During the Footy season, bring your own snacks or purchase them from the bar and enjoy cheering your footy team on with family or friends watching the large TV screens at the club, all while enjoying freshly poured tap beer or a nice glass of De Bortoli Wine at unbeatable prices.
Are you a Member? Not yet!!!….. well did you know that as a Club Member, the price of drinks is discounted by up to 25%? Due to our low overheads, we offer our beverages lower than nearly anyone in our area to start with, however, once the members discount is applied a De Bortoli glass of wine at $9.50 for a non-member ($12.50 plus elsewhere), becomes only $7.50 for a member, and of course, the $7.50 Schooner of beer for a non-member drops to just $6.00 a Schooner for a member…… so what are you waiting for!